Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dribble and Feint PES11

Sideway Dribble : L2 + push Right analog to sideway. If your position face to the left or right, push the R analog up or down. Another way to do this by using R2. Just press R2 and press the sideway.
From now, I explain with condition your player face to the right. Your player move from left to the right of monitor.
Knock the ball on :  while in  stationary position, L2 + push the Right analog to downright or upright twice.
Upper Body Feint : while in  stationary position,  push the Right analog up or down
Matthews Feint : while in  stationary position, press and hold Right analog to upside and then push Left analog to downright; or press and hold Right analog to downside and then push Left analog to upright.
Matthew Feint into Side Flip : while in  stationary position, press and hold Right analog to upside and then push Left analog to downside; or press and hold Right analog to downside and then push Left analog to upside.
Running Upper Body Feint : while running, push Right analog to upside or downside.
Running Matthews Feint : while running, press and hold Right analog to upside and then push Left analog to downright; or press and hold Right analog to downside and then push Left analog to upright.
Step Over Dummy : while stationary, rotate Right analog from right to downside or from right to upside.
Reverse Step Over Dummy : while stationary, rotate Right analog from downside to right or from upside to right.
Step Over Fake : while stationary, rotate Right analog from downside to right and then push Left analog to downright; or rotate Right analog from upside to right and then push Left analog to upright.
Outside Step Over : while stationary, rotate Right analog from downside to right and then push Left analog to downleft; or rotate Right analog from upside to right and then push Left analog to upleft.

Running Step Over Dummy : while running, rotate Right analog from right to downside or from right to upside.
Running Reverse Step Over Dummy : while running, rotate Right analog from downside to right or from upside to right.
Step Over : while running, rotate Right analog from downside to right and then push Left analog to downright; or rotate Right analog from upside to right and then push Left analog to upright.
Running Outside Step Over : while running, rotate Right analog from downside to right and then push Left analog to downleft; or rotate Right analog from upside to right and then push Left analog to upleft.
Step and Drag : while stationary, press L2 and push Right analog to the left (backward)
Draf Back and Turn : while stationary, press L2 and push Right analog to the left (backward) and then push the Left Analog to upside or downside.
Backheel Feint : while stationary, rotate Right analog from left to upside and then push Left analog to downside; or rotate Right analog from left to downside and then push Left analog to upside.
Inside Bounce : while stationary, hold L2, push the Right analog to left and then push Left analog to right.
Running Inside Bounce into Dianogal : while running, hold L2, push the Right analog to left and then push Left analog to upright or downright.
Elastico : while running, hold L2, push the Right analog to upright and then push Left analog to the downright; or push Right analog to downright and then push Left analog to the upright.
Cross Over Turn : while running, hold L2, push the Right analog to downside and then push the Left analog to downside; or push the Right analog to upside and then push the Left analog to upside.
Roulette Turn : hold L2 and then rotate the right analog 360 degree clockwise or counter clockwise.
Diving : press L2+R2 in the same time.
Rainbow Flick : L2 + R3 twice.
Lift into Right/Left : L2+R2 and then push Left analog to upright or downright.
Sideward Step Over : in sideward position (please see above how to sideward position) do the Step Over (please see above how to Step Over.
Honestly, in my opinion, in PES 2011 dribble and feint more complicated than PES 2010. But after do all trick, the simple way to understand the dribble and feint in PES 2011 is :

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